Local Governance

Seymour Primary Academy Local Governing Body – Overview

Seymour Primary Academy is an academy as part of The Kemnal Academies Trust (TKAT).

TKAT is a multi-academy trust which was established on 1st September 2010. Its constitution is set out in the Articles of Association and this is shared with individual academies via the Scheme of Delegation. TKAT have, through the Scheme of Delegation, established Local Governing Bodies for each of the Academies.

Scheme of Delegation please click this link: TKAT Scheme of Delegation 2021 – (App 2 updated Aug 23).

The Local Governing Body of each of the Academies is responsible for fulfilling the strategic and operational governance role in the conduct of the Academy.

Directors of the TKAT Board.Please click here to link to Governance information relating to TKAT, including the structure of governance and relevant details about Trustees terms of office, attendance and business interests.

Please click here for key documents including the Master Funding Agreement, Articles of Association and Accounts.

The governors and the trust provide robust challenge and support, which help to drive improvement. 

Ofsted - Nov 2024

We currently have 8 governors:

  • 2 Co Headteachers
  • 2 Staff governors – 1 vacancy
  • 2 parent governors - 1 vacancy
  • 2 appointed governors and 1 vacancy
Chair of Governors: Interim Chair - Kim Medhurst
Vice-Chair of Governors: Greer Williams ( Co-Opted Governor)

  1.  The name of the Academy governed by this Local Governing Body is Seymour Primary School.
  2. The name of the Local Governing Body (LGB) is The Local Governing Body of Seymour primary School.
  3.  The Local Governing Body shall be constituted of up to 11 Governors
  4. The Term of Office for each class of Governor shall be in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation of the LGB as granted by the Directors of The Kemnal Academies Trust.
  5. This Constitution is made by The Kemnal Academies Trust and The Local Governing Body of Seymour Primary School
Class of Governor Number
Headteacher (ex-officio) 02
Staff 02
Parents  02
Appointed 02
Total 08


Governor Name Type Start Date Term of Office Declarations of Interest 2024/25  including transactions to 31st August 2024 Area of Responsibility Attendance 2023/24

Emma Eardley

Head of School


Ex Officio

None 2024/25



Carol Collins

Head of School


Ex Officio

None 2024/25



Cheryl Preston

Staff Governor - elected by staff


23.1.22 to 22.1.2026

Employed as staff from September 2019

Curriculum and Standards


Greer Williams

Co-Opt Governor - elected by the LGB



None 2024/25

Safe Guarding 100%

Lesly Chiplin

Staff  Governor - elected by staff


27.9.2024 to 26.9.2028

Employed as staff from June 2018

Curriculum and Standards


Rajesh Nayi

Parent Governor - elected by Parents



None 2024/25

Business and Finance


Kim Medhurst

Chair - elected by LGB


Elected as chair 15.10.24

26.9.2024 to 25.9.2028

None 2024/25

Health & Safety


Vanesa Gomez

Parent Governor - elected by Parents



None 2024/25



Name Role Start Date Term of Office Resignation Date Declaration of Interest 2023/24 Responsilbilty

Attendance 2023/24

Caroline Hayward Support Staff Governor 21.09.2020 21.9.2020 to 20.9.24 8.3.23 None 2023/24 Ace Project 100%
Alysha Mitchell Parent Governor 12.3.2019 12.3.2019 to 26.9.2023 26.9.23 None 2023/24 Safe Guarding 85%
Simon Mitchell Co-Opt Governor 21.9.2021 12.9.2021 to 20.9.2025 4.9.2024 None 2023/24 Business and Finance 85%
Danny Sear Co-Opt Governor 27.9.2022 27.9.2022 to 26.9.2026 16.5.2024 None 2023/24 Health and Safety 85%
Amy Murphy Parent Governor 25.1.2024

25.1.2024 to 24.1.2028


26.9.2024 None 2023/24 None 100%