At Seymour Primary School, our Religious Education curriculum is designed to engage learners whilst promoting spiritual, moral, cultural and personal understanding of the major religions of our world. Our curriculum aims to nurture awareness of diversity in our community and the wider world. At Seymour we encourage curiosity to find out more, through an enquiry based approach which allows our children to develop the courage to voice their informed views and opinions. Our challenging curriculum embeds our school value of compassion by teaching and showing respect to one and other. We aim for all children to leave Seymour Primary School equipped to navigate our complex world and have the courage to make positive choices in society.
How is this subject taught:
We have adapted the Emmanuel Project 2020, to meet the needs of our school. This follows an enquiry based model. Within each unit lessons follow a structure of (Engage, Enquiry, Explore, Evaluate, Express) which encourages children to think deeply about big concepts and answer questions. From EYFS to Year 6 children are exposed to 4 key themes being: beliefs and belonging, leaders and teachers, worship and sacred places and symbols and sacred texts.